Understanding ESG investing

designed for

Ignition and M&G

Q3 2022

3 Month Project

Understanding ESG investing

designed for

Ignition and M&G

Q3 2022

3 Month Project

Understanding ESG investing

designed for

Ignition and M&G

Q3 2022

3 Month Project

My role

Working with a sales-focused team of financial-advise experts wiith engineering suport Working with a sales-focused team of financial-advise experts

The team

Working with a sales-focused team of financial-advise experts wiith engineering suport

Working with a sales-focused team of financial-advise experts wiith engineering suport

Working with a sales-focused team of financial-advise experts wiith engineering suport

Working with a sales-focused team of financial-advise experts wiith engineering suport


Helping customers understand ESG investing

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Sub heading

Having already worked with M&Gs advice team on a number of projects, Ignition were asked to explore opportunities to engage customers in the growing ESG Investing market. The objective for M&G was to design a proof of concept to build confidence around a design direction. For Ignition our aim was to develop out relationship, build trust in our design process and eventually win more work.

"…only 14% understood the term ESG. In addition, terms used to describe the investment approach of sustainable funds were not well understood."


Helping customers understand ESG investing

Having already worked with M&Gs advice team on a number of projects, Ignition were asked to explore opportunities to engage customers in the growing ESG Investing market. The objective for M&G was to design a proof of concept to build confidence around a design direction. For Ignition our aim was to develop out relationship, build trust in our design process and eventually win more work.


Sub heading

Having already worked with M&Gs advice team on a number of projects, Ignition were asked to explore opportunities to engage customers in the growing ESG Investing market. The objective for M&G was to design a proof of concept to build confidence around a design direction. For Ignition our aim was to develop out relationship, build trust in our design process and eventually win more work.


Sub heading

Having already worked with M&Gs advice team on a number of projects, Ignition were asked to explore opportunities to engage customers in the growing ESG Investing market. The objective for M&G was to design a proof of concept to build confidence around a design direction. For Ignition our aim was to develop out relationship, build trust in our design process and eventually win more work.

"…only 14% understood the term ESG. In addition, terms used to describe the investment approach of sustainable funds were not well understood."

Invescco - What investors want June 2021

Trade offs

Sub heading

Having already worked with M&Gs advice team on a number of projects, Ignition were asked to explore opportunities to engage customers in the growing ESG Investing market. The objective for M&G was to design a proof of concept to build confidence around a design direction. For Ignition our aim was to develop out relationship, build trust in our design process and eventually win more work.